2024 Upper Cook Inlet Commercial Dipnet Fishery Update

Author: Adriana Hernandez-Santana |

The Board of Fisheries (board) approved adding dipnets as a legal gear type to the Upper Subdistrict set gillnet fishery at the recent 2024 Upper Cook Inlet meeting. While the board approved the use of the gear type and established regulations to guide the fishery, the fishery may not be opened until the Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission (CFEC) modifies regulation to add dipnets as a legal gear type to S04H permits.


As of May 13, CFEC has issued a notice of proposed regulatory changes for a 30-day comment period. This notice contains the regulatory change that would add dipnets as legal gear.


After CFEC regulations are finalized, ADF&G will be able to open the fishery to the use of dipnets under the Board approved regulations as follows:


• dipnets may be allowed only when set gillnet fishing is closed and based on the abundance
of sockeye salmon.


• The department may allow up to three 12-hour commercial dip net periods per week from June 20 – July 31 when set gillnet fishing is not open.


• The current set gillnet open areas, excluding the Kasilof River Special Harvest Area, allow both shore-based and vessel-based fishing. Shore-based fishing may only occur at DNR shore lease sites.


• Retention of king and coho salmon is prohibited. King and coho salmon caught must be immediately released unless the fish is mortally wounded or dead and brought on board.


• Participation is limited to SO4H permit holders. Each permit holder may operate up to four dip nets at a time; each dipnet must be operated by the permit holder or a licensed crew member.


• All standard CFEC reporting requirements apply in addition to the stock of concern requirements listed for the set gillnet fishery above.


• A legal dipnet is defined as a dip net is a bag-shaped net supported on all sides by a rigid frame; the maximum straight-line distance between any two points on the net frame, as measured through the net opening, may not exceed five feet; the depth of the bag must be at least one- half of the greatest straight-line distance, as measured through the net opening; no portion of the bag may be constructed of webbing that exceeds a stretched measurement of 4.5 inches; the frame must be attached to a single rigid handle and be operated by hand.


Individuals are welcome to comment on the proposed changes by submitting written comments to the Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission at P.O. Box 110302, Juneau, Alaska 99811-0302.


Additionally, the commission will accept comments by facsimile at 907-789-6170, and by electronic mail at [email protected]. Comments may also be submitted through the
Alaska Online Public Notice System, by clicking here.


You may submit written questions relevant to the proposed action to Glenn Haight, Commissioner
of the commission through e-mail at [email protected].


The comments must be received before 5:00 pm on June 13, 2024.

Author: Adriana Hernandez-Santana

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