HEA Closes Access To Bradley Lake Public Dock, Access Road

Author: Jason Lee |

Homer Electric Association is urging folks who may be planning to visit Kachemak Bay State Park to be wary of areas that will be closed to the public this summer.


Bruce Shelley, Homer Electric Member Relations, has details: “Homer Electric Association is urging hunters, hikers, and other recreational users of Kachemak Bay State Park to avoid the Bradley Lake public floating dock and the road to the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Dam as they will be closed to the public for the summer. The Battle Creek Diversion Project continues and there will be heavy equipment and construction activity in the area.”


The Battle Creek Diversion Project will divert runoff on the West Fork Upper Battle Creek and divert flows into Bradley Lake. The project will enable the facility, which currently produces power between Homer and Fairbanks, to increase its annual output by about 10%, which is enough to serve almost 5,500 homes for the next 80 years, according to HEA.


The project is planned to be completed by summer of 2020.

Author: Jason Lee

News Reporter - [email protected]
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