Kenai’s Annual Kite Festival Takes Place On Saturday

Author: Adriana Hernandez-Santana |

Now that it’s summertime, it’s finally time to let those kites fly at Kenai’s Annual Kite Festival!


This year’s event will occur from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Millennium Square Park (behind Arby’s) in Kenai. It is free, and kite enthusiasts of all ages are welcome to participate.


Kenai Parks and Recreation Director Tyler Best explains that this event will have free lawn games, free snowcones, and even a limited number of free kites being given away by Walmart this year.


“It’s honestly such a it’s such a simple event. Like we don’t have a lot of stuff going on. We usually have some yard games that some volunteers will do again, free snowcone and then it’s just really kids just get out there and fly kites and they seem to have a blast,” said Best.


The Alaska Kiters will show off their flying skills with enormous kites.


“And then they have minion kites that will fly up and a lot of things like favorite Disney characters that will go up in the sky as well,” said Best.


Don’t have a kite? No worries because there will be a Build-a-Kite station at the event.


If you want to fly as long as possible but are concerned that making a kite on-site will slow you down, the Kenai Library offers a free Kite Artistry and Engineering event on Friday, June 14th, for anyone to come in and create their aerial masterpiece. It starts at 4:00 p.m.


“And I personally love it when you see a type that’s made at our library because it just shows like great community involvement. You get people you’ll see them and sometimes they’ll come to a fishing rod, but the library also has string for the kites and then so it’s just cool to see kids that went to the library and decorated a kite,” said Best.


So make sure you get your kite flying skills ready for this Saturday, because those community kites are ready to soar!


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Author: Adriana Hernandez-Santana

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