LeeShore Center Receives Unexpected Rasumson Grant

Author: Nick Sorrell |

The LeeShore Center in Kenai received a surprise $25,000 donation from the Rasmuson Foundation during a recent community reception held at the Kenai Chamber of Commerce and Visitor’s Center.


According to LeeShore Center Board President, Samantha Springer, these surprise donations are something of an annual tradition for Rasmuson. “Every time Rasmuson Foundation goes to a different community once a year for their annual meeting, they pick a nonprofit organization to donate an amount of money. I don’t know if it’s the same every time or not. And so, since they did their meeting in Kenai this time, they chose LeeShore Center to donate $25,000 to because basically they just chose them as one of the great organizations on the Peninsula.”


After spending the day conducting site visits in the area, Rasmuson officials invited representatives and leaders from local non-profits to a community leadership meet and greet at the Kenai Chamber of Commerce. Springer said that’s when the surprise donation was announced.


Rasmuson President Gretchen Guess invited LeeShore Executive Director Cheri Smith to the front and presented her with the donation.


Springer said the grant will most likely be applied to some upcoming projects that LeeShore was planning to pay for out-of-pocket. “They’re going to use it toward these repairs that need to be done on transitional housing and the shelter.”


In a social media post, the non-profit expressed its gratitude for the unexpected boon: “LeeShore’s staff and board extends a huge thank you to the Rasmuson Foundation for their support and generosity!”

Author: Nick Sorrell

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