Running Events Turn Virtual To Avoid Cancellation

Author: Coach Dan Gensel |

Virtual racing and virtual participation in group fundraising events may remain the norm for the next few months as a number of events turn to alternatives to save and conduct activities.


Many fundraising races/walks will be conducted virtually or with social distancing restrictions.

Updates on event status will be collected and distributed through


Mouth to Mouth Wild Run & Ride (Month of May)

The 2020 Mouth to Mouth Wild Run & Ride, a race from the mouth of the Kasilof River to the mouth of the Kenai River, will go virtual and will extend for the entire month of May.

From the Mouth to Mouth Wild Run & Ride organizers…

In spacious solidarity, we’re getting creative with our annual Kasilof-Kenai beach race so we can keep everyone safely distanced.

During the month of May, racers will be able to take to the beach for a 10 mile run or fat-bike, or a 3 mile run, post their times to our virtual race director, and receive prizes! Stay tuned for details about this year’s virtual race, updated registration, race-wear collection, and more!

This is easily a favorite community event this time of year, and you’ll just have to join us to find out why. This race has a place for everybody. Veteran racers will enjoy a good challenge, and unique racing experience on the beaches of Cook Inlet, Alaska – where other participants of all ages will also enjoy a fun, family atmosphere with prizes awarded for youngest racer, silliest salmon costume and more!  Contact: Kaitlin Vadla at [email protected]  •  RSVP on Facebook! 


51st Annual Walk & Roll for Hope  (May 2nd)

The Walk & Roll for Hope event, a primary fundraiser for the Hope Community Resources, is scheduled for May 2nd and will be enacted as a virtual/social distance event.

Hope Community Resources is a non-profit organization providing community supports to hundreds of individuals and families who experience intellectual and developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injury and mental health challenges. Hope Community Resources provides services through regional offices located in Anchorage, the Mat-Su Valley, Dillingham, Kodiak, Seward, Barrow, and the Kenai Peninsula.

The 51st Annual Walk & Roll for Hope community released information through its website…

In accordance with the guidelines and recommendations from the CDC, we have made the decision to turn the 51st Annual Walk & Roll for Hope, which was scheduled for Saturday, May 2, into a virtual walk.

The Walk & Roll for Hope has been a vital source of revenue for Hope for the last 50 years. It has raised essential funds to augment the ever-growing unfunded programmatic needs that are fundamental to the continuation of quality programs and services at Hope.

The social distancing and hunker down orders are taking a toll on service delivery to individuals and families, creating an uncertain future for agencies, such as Hope, who provide direct care to a vulnerable population.

In the spirit of this Alaskan tradition, we hope that you will choose to continue your support and participate electronically this year at or make a pledge at If you’ve already registered, we hope this won’t stop your momentum and you’ll keep on fundraising.

Your participation, more than ever, is crucial in helping to provide much-needed funds to stabilize and maintain services to Alaskans who experience either an intellectual, developmental or other physical disability, a traumatic brain injury or a mental health challenge in these uncertain times.

The Walk & Roll for Hope web page will have all the details about the virtual event, sales and delivery of t-shirts, contests and more. This is a fun opportunity to practice social distancing, while still engaging your friends and family in a worth-while cause.

And if you want to “seize the moment” today you can make a gift through our website at


Exit Glacier Race   Cancelled

The 2020 Exit Glacier Race held in Seward has been cancelled for 2020.  The event has in the past included a 5K and 10K race.  Contact: Brittney Broadworth – 907-224-4054 for more information.

Gold Nugget Triathlon  Postponed

The 2020 Gold Nugget Triathlon is considering options including holding the event at a later date this summer, a virtual event, or the possibility of not being able to hold the Gold Nugget Triathlon this year.

The Gold Nugget Triathlon committee…

The Board of Directors and Race Directors met this week and we are still exploring options for the 2020 event. The options being evaluated include holding the event at a later date this summer as previously indicated, a virtual event, or the possibility of not being able to hold the Gold Nugget Triathlon this year. Before we can land on a decision we need to reasonably assure that we can put forth an event that is safe, follows guidelines from government and health agencies, and is financially feasible for the organization. Not only do we have some more work to do before reaching a decision but we also need to wait for more information and guidance from our permitting partners.

We know there are questions about the wait list and status of current registrations with any of the potential options (i.e. refunds, registration transfers, rollovers, etc). We understand this and continue to ask for you all to please remain patient a bit longer as we work through all of the options and adjust our planning accordingly.

In the short term we are pausing any further clearing of the wait list. All those currently on the wait list will remain in the same order on the list. We will reach out when a decision is made on the 2020 event.


Alaska Run For Women   (June 13th)

The Alaska Run For Women continues to plan for a June 13th event.

Alaska Run For Women race release …

“As the saying goes, there’s unity in community. For the Alaska Run for Women, that means in 2020 we stay apart so we can play a part in the fight against breast cancer – we are going virtual!
We are making this move, first and foremost, with the health and safety in mind of all participants, while still supporting our mission of breast cancer awareness, education, research and prevention.
The creative gears are churning as we finalize the details with the plan of opening registration May 18, 2020.
For 28 years we have brought Alaska’s women together in historic numbers, now we’ll ask you to come together in a new way for our most historic event yet! Whether side-by-side physically or in spirit, we stand united to the cause.
Stay safe and healthy

Alaska Run for Women Board of Directors




Author: Coach Dan Gensel

Sports Director - [email protected]
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